It’s Easy!
- Popcorn is Easy to sell
- Easy to deliver
- Everyone Loves Popcorn!
- You keep 45% of all sales
- Sell in advance or Pre-purchase for event or concession sales
- One price, one size, no hassle!
Chocolate covered & Popcorn with Nuts ORDER NOW
Working with Jordan E’s Popcorn and Candy was made easy because of their organization and attention to detail. Jordan’s commitment to customer service is second to none. This is our third time partnering with them, each year resulting in profits beyond our expectation. Most importantly, the popcorn is delicious, those to whom we have sold the product are always pleased.
Our school foresees a long and successful relationship with Jordan E’s Popcorn and Candy.
Mark Hennesy - Campus Director - Trinity Leadership
Space is Limited
All popcorn is prepared and carefully packed at our Waxahachie location 315 South Rogers St.
*approx. 4 cups of popcorn per bag